Mr. Worgul knows that the criminal justice system is not without flaws. For that reason, he does everything in his power to support his clients through what is often a stressful time for them and their families, and he works to help make sure their rights are upheld. Mr. Worgul stands by his clients from the start of their case until it has been resolved. He has built relationships with many legal types of people at state levels, which he uses to help him provide justice for his clients. Over the course of his career he has helped so many people with an exquisite outlook on law. From the first point of contact to the successful dismissal of all charges, Mike Worgul proved to be a trusted and welcome ally in navigating through the red tape of the Pennsylvania Court system. I was reassured several times, made to feel as though I was a part of the process, and in turn was able to make sure that I had the right people on my side. The professional and respectful way in which I was treated was above and beyond what I had expected.
I highly recommend Mr. Worgul to anyone wishing to have not just an attorney but someone who they can build a relationship with.