Theft Crimes Archives | Worgul, Sarna & Ness, Criminal Defense Attorneys, LLC

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5 Things to Know About Pennsylvania Theft Charges

Whether embezzlement or shoplifting, being accused of theft will leave you wondering what to expect. After all, theft laws are complex in Pennsylvania —the statutes might not clarify your situation, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the legal system. That’s why…

The Real Cost of Passing a Bad Check

Writing a check with insufficient funds in your bank account can happen to anyone. However, when you intentionally write a check that you know will bounce, you may face serious consequences in Pennsylvania. The real costs of passing a bad…

What is a White Collar Crime?

The term “white-collar crime” conjures up images of corporate sharks in fancy suits as they empty the bank accounts of unsuspecting victims. While it makes for great TV, there’s little truth to it. Someone accused of a white-collar crime is…

What is Theft by Unlawful Taking?

Under Pennsylvania law, theft by unlawful taking is a criminal offense that is defined based on the kind of property involved. The manner in which the theft was committed and the value of the property allegedly stolen influences the kind…