Contractor Avoids Possession of Controlled Substance & Open Container Convictions
Recently, an independent contractor was driving home after making some poor decisions. After being sober for almost 18 months, he fell off the wagon. He was pulled over for speeding, crossing the center lane into oncoming traffic, and almost running off the side of the road. He was ultimately charged with a second DUI, illegally operating a vehicle that wasn’t equipped with ignition interlock, possession of a controlled substance, careless driving, and open container.
After being charged, he was distraught. After months of sobriety, he managed to get in a lot of legal trouble in one fell swoop. With a significant prior criminal history including DUI, resisting arrest, and simple assault convictions dating back to 2001, he was concerned that more criminal charges would lead to jail or prison time. On top of that, he provided site preparation for a national retailer with new building projects. More criminal convictions would have ruined that business relationship, leading to employment issues.
We were able to negotiate a plea deal for our client over three court dates whereby all of the charges were dismissed except for the second DUI. Our client did not have to go to jail and was able to maintain his business relationship. This was important since a second time DUI within 10 years typically involves a mandatory jail sentence of 90 days with a potential sentence of up to five years in prison.
Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.