How to Deal with Disorderly Conduct Charges in Pittsburgh
Even though disorderly conduct is often charged as a summary offense in PA, which is the least serious of crimes, you can still face jail and other negative consequences if convicted. The penalties are even tougher if you are facing…
Violent Social Media Posts Can be a Felony Under Federal Statute 18 U.S. Code §875(c)
America is well-known for its constitutional protection of free speech. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech….” However, your right to say and do as you please remains restricted….
Arrested for Resisting Arrest
Resisting arrest is a criminal offense that is sometimes called obstruction. It describes a number of things that interfere with a police officer attempting to make a lawful arrest. Resisting arrest may involve fleeing from a police officer while being…
Who Controls Police Camera Footage?
Police accountability has been a buzzword of late due to the public outcry over police involvement in the deaths of deaths of Michael Brown and other unarmed men. While we all want more police accountability for the benefit of everyone,…
Don’t Resist Law Enforcement – Protect Yourself, Let Us Fight for Your Rights
It has become all too clear in the past year that we have a problem with the way that law enforcement sometimes interacts with citizens. Here in Pittsburgh, problems may not have gotten to the point that it has in…
Open Container Law: Tailgating & Public Intoxication Charges in Pittsburgh, PA
There is nothing more fun this time of year than tailgating, whether it’s at Heinz Field, Consol Energy Center, or one of our local Pittsburgh college campuses. It’s fun to spend some time with your friends, enjoying good food and…