DUI Archives | Page 4 of 8 | Worgul, Sarna & Ness, Criminal Defense Attorneys, LLC

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New Bill to Toughen Pennsylvania Repeat Offender DUI Laws

Up to this point, you would not be charged with a felony if you were convicted of a DUI in Pennsylvania. Legislation recently voted on by the Pennsylvania state Congress will change that. A bill that received final votes from…

Pittsburgh’s Mayor Believes PA Marijuana Legalization Is Inevitable

Full marijuana legalization in PA could soon be a reality. After the Commonwealth authorized the use of cannabis for medical purposes in 2016, more and more legislators are warming up to the idea for legalizing the sale and use of…

What to Expect If You’re Charged with a DUI

If you have recently been arrested and charged for DUI in Pennsylvania, you may be asking the question, “what can I expect to happen next?” In order to answer this question, let’s briefly review the first few steps of a…

Most Common DUI Myths

Getting pulled over for suspicion of DUI can be a startling experience. You may realize that you are facing serious legal troubles. You may know that you are not legally intoxicated and all the more determined to defend yourself against…

Worgul Law Firm Wins PA Supreme Court DUI Case

Few people would expect their DUI case to travel all the way to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. But that’s exactly what happened to one of our clients charged with aggravated DUI. The trial court convicted her on the basis of…

Reliability of BAC Tests: BAC Urine Test/Urinalysis

This is the fourth of a four-part series of blogs covering the reliability of BAC tests commonly used by law enforcement officers in Pennsylvania. In this blog, we consider the reliability of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) urine tests, or urinalysis…

Reliability of BAC Tests: BAC Blood Test

This is the third of a four-part series of blogs covering the reliability of BAC tests commonly used by law enforcement officers in Pennsylvania. In this blog, we consider the reliability of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) blood tests. Additional BAC…

Are Pennsylvania BAC Breath Tests/Breathalyzers Reliable?

This is the second of a four-part series of blogs covering the reliability of BAC tests commonly used by law enforcement officers in Pennsylvania. In this blog, we consider the reliability of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) breath tests. Additional BAC…

How Reliable are BAC Tests?

This is the first of a four-part series of blogs covering the reliability of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) tests commonly used by law enforcement officers in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania defines the illegal intoxication level of most drivers as 0.08 percent or…

How to Handle an Underage DUI in PA

Pennsylvania DUI laws can be very strict. If you or a loved one are arrested and charged with underage DUI, these laws can place you in jail and require you to pay large fines. Even first DUI offenses can cause…