Pennsylvania Criminal Process Archives | Page 3 of 6 | Worgul, Sarna & Ness, Criminal Defense Attorneys, LLC

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PA Supreme Court Could Limit Civil Asset Forfeiture

Civil asset forfeiture is a controversial government power in Pennsylvania. Under state law, the police are allowed to confiscated property that is in some way tied to illegal activity. While the purpose of civil asset forfeiture is to remove money…

Is DUI A Felony In Pennsylvania?

A Pennsylvania DUI is only filed as a felony when something terrible happens during a drunk driving incident. The consequences for this class of crime are severe and can include spending time in state prison and paying huge fines. If…

PA Supreme Court Alters Life Sex Offender Registration Requirements

Lifetime registration for sex offenders is often controversial, particularly when individuals who committed minor sex crimes suffer a harsh penalty for the rest of their lives. People who are unlikely to harm others or recommit a sex crime are forced…

5 Pennsylvania DUI Laws You Should Know

Pennsylvania lawmakers and state troopers keep drivers on their toes when it comes to Pennsylvania’s motor vehicle laws, and some of the least well-known motor vehicle laws center on driving under the influence. At Worgul, Sarna & Ness, Criminal Defense…

Pittsburgh Sobriety Checkpoints and Speed Traps – What To Watch

In an effort to reduce incidents of drunk driving and speeding, Pennsylvania State Police and local police departments use a variety of techniques including sobriety checkpoints, and speed traps. Both of these techniques are legal, even if they’re not tied…

The Medical Marijuana Act Is Now Law In Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is the 24th state to legalize the use of medical cannabis through the Medical Marijuana Act, which went into effect in May of this year. The law did not address the recreational use of marijuana, which remains unlawful. The…

Pittsburgh Body Camera Policy Contrasted With ACLU Model

Violence against and by the police has been a recent concern for law enforcement throughout the United States. The Pittsburgh Police Department has opted to use body cameras in order to discourage police brutality and clarify any questions that may…

Pennsylvania To Partner In A New Data Driven Criminal Justice Project

Just over a year after the White House launched the Police Data Initiative, a program aimed to help police departments share data on criminal patterns across the country, the White House announced a new data-driven program last month, the Data…

DUI Court Process in Pittsburgh

Being charged with a DUI in Pennsylvania can be a stressful and confusing experience, especially in cases where bodily injury or property damage are involved. Following your arrest, you may be wondering what comes next: whether you’ll be going to…

Marijuana Decriminalization in Pittsburgh

Since the beginning of 2016, marijuana has been decriminalized in Pittsburgh. Decriminalization is not the same as legalization—it means that while marijuana is still officially illegal, the penalties for possession are reduced to the level of a traffic offense. As…