Traffic Offenses Archives | Worgul, Sarna & Ness, Criminal Defense Attorneys, LLC

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What Are Your Rights When the Police Pull You Over in Pennsylvania?

There’s often a misunderstanding on what a police officer can and cannot do during a traffic stop in Pennsylvania. In an effort to be compliant with police and act in good faith, you might end up making self-incriminating statements or…

FAQs About Ignition Interlock Systems in PA

Like many other Pennsylvania drivers, you’re probably aware that a drunk driving conviction carries hefty penalties. A first time DUI could lead to six months’ probation and a $300 fine. The punishments increase for higher blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels…

DUI Blood, Breath, & Urine Tests in Pennsylvania

Being pulled over on suspicion of a DUI can be a stressful experience. Pennsylvania police officers may ask you to prove your sobriety and test your blood alcohol content (BAC) through a series of tests and questions. If you fail…

Do I Have to Get Out of My Car for Police in Pennsylvania?

Knowing your rights when pulled over by a police officer or other law enforcement agent in Pennsylvania is extremely important. In some situations, you are not required to follow an officer’s demands, but you must comply if they order you…

Penalties for Driving Without a License in Pennsylvania

Our Lawyers Explain the Penalties for Driving Without a License in PA From leaving the house without your ID to losing your wallet, there are various ways to wind up behind the wheel without a license. If you are driving…

Can I Refuse to Sign a Traffic Ticket in Pennsylvania?

Everyone gets a little nervous when they’re pulled over for a traffic violation. This is a normal reaction even if you have done nothing wrong. Unfortunately, many people get especially anxious about dealing with the police even regarding simple traffic…

Radar Enforcement in Pennsylvania: Will a New Law Lead to Increased Speeding Tickets?

The Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved last month a bill to allow local police departments to use radar in speed traps. Senate Bill 607 passed by a 49-1 vote on June 25, signaling almost unanimous support for the…

Pittsburgh Sobriety Checkpoints and Speed Traps – What To Watch

In an effort to reduce incidents of drunk driving and speeding, Pennsylvania State Police and local police departments use a variety of techniques including sobriety checkpoints, and speed traps. Both of these techniques are legal, even if they’re not tied…

Can Texting While Driving Lead to a Murder Charge in Pennsylvania

Distracted driving in Pennsylvania can have serious negative repercussions. Whether a driver is found to be texting while driving, calling a friend, or looking up directions on his or her cellphone, the penalties for distracted driving are severe and can…

How Can I Remove a DUI from Criminal Record in Pennsylvania?

Anyone with a DUI conviction who’s been refused a job, housing option, or professional license knows the pain of having a DUI offense on a criminal record. Fortunately, Pennsylvania allows individuals to erase parts of their criminal record in a…