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Small Business Embezzlement – Common QuickBook Asset Manipulation Tricks

Thanks to its user-friendly design and robust capabilities, QuickBooks has become an indispensable tool for many small and medium-sized businesses. Unfortunately, its ease-of-use also makes it easy to manipulate. Using QuickBooks to embezzle funds is surprisingly common. If you’ve been…

Driving Stoned: Marijuana DUI Laws

Across the country, more and more states are legalizing marijuana, either for medical use or even recreational purposes. Currently, cannabis is illegal for recreational use in Pennsylvania, but possession of small amounts is decriminalized in several largest cities, including Pittsburgh….

5 Things That Can Make a Pittsburgh DUI Worse

A DUI can make your life very difficult. It may be weeks or even months until you can drive again, and you may be facing large fines and even jail time. The defense attorneys at our law firm have taken…

Why Are Police in PA Looking for Green Tongues in Marijuana DUI Stops?

Many people who have been pulled over throughout Pennsylvania are reporting that police checked their tongues for a green coating. This may seem very odd, but it has actually been a practice followed by many law enforcement agencies throughout the…

Common Mistakes Other DUI Lawyers Make

If you’ve been charged with DUI in Pittsburgh, you are probably facing the daunting task of hiring a DUI lawyer. These can be complicated cases that involve going to court, dealing with police officers, PennDOT hearings, and trying to keep…

Pitt Develops THC Breathalyzer – More Marijuana DUIs are Coming

A handheld breathalyzer device that can detect THC has been developed at the University of Pittsburgh. While the device is not yet ready for mass production, it could be coming within a few months. This means the police will soon…

Collateral Consequences of a PA Sex Crimes Conviction

A conviction for a Pennsylvania sex crime will have serious repercussions that extend much deeper into your life than you might think. Everybody knows about criminal penalties such as incarceration and fines, but many are surprised to learn about the…


Worgul, Sarna & Ness, Criminal Defense Attorneys, LLC recently completed reviewing applications for our annual scholarship competition. After a remarkable first year, we had another massively successful round of submissions and received applications from some very impressive students all over…

Radar Enforcement in Pennsylvania: Will a New Law Lead to Increased Speeding Tickets?

The Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved last month a bill to allow local police departments to use radar in speed traps. Senate Bill 607 passed by a 49-1 vote on June 25, signaling almost unanimous support for the…

What To Do If Your Child Is Accused of Sexual Assault in Pennsylvania

If your child was accused of a sex crime, you may have many concerns, such as, will they be charged as an adult, will your child be required to register as a sex offender, will your child be facing time…