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New Pennsylvania Law (Deana’s Law) Increases Penalties for Repeat DUI Offenders

Anyone charged with driving under the influence (DUI) offense faces severe criminal penalties. However, with the enactment of Deana’s Law, the consequences for repeat DUI offenders in Pennsylvania are even more devastating. What Is Deana’s Law? In 2019, a woman…

What Are Corruption of a Minor Charges in Pennsylvania?

There are multiple situations in which a person, typically an adult, may be charged with the corruption of a minor. This charge is often included with more severe crimes. In these cases, you will need one of the best criminal…

How to Get Charges Dismissed at the Preliminary Hearing in Pennsylvania

IMPORTANT: If you are facing criminal charges in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, or elsewhere in Western PA, our criminal defense attorneys can help. We offer free consultations, are available 24/7, and have experience getting criminal charges dismissed. Call (412) 281-2146 today….

What is the Birchfield Ruling and How Does it Apply to Your DUI?

If you’re pulled over for a suspected DUI in Pennsylvania, you may be asked to submit to a chemical DUI test. This typically involves providing a blood, breath, or urine sample, which will then be analyzed for your blood alcohol…

What To Do When Your Child is Arrested at School in Pennsylvania

All parents dread getting a phone call from the school telling them their child is in trouble. However, when their child’s acts amount to criminal behavior, the police get involved. What Is the Pennsylvania Safe Schools Act? The Pennsylvania Safe…

What if I’m Arrested While on ARD?

Every county handles ARD probation violations differently; however, a general violation of the program’s requirements can land you in hot water. Even an arrest and new criminal charges without a formal conviction can revoke your ARD probation. You may return…

Why Knowing the Number of PA Law Enforcement Agencies Matters

Pennsylvania has enacted laws to hold police officers accountable for misconduct, but how do citizens know that law enforcement actions are accurately reported? With PA Act 57, the legislature created a database that is supposed to track misconduct. More than…

Online Sting Operations in Pennsylvania

The police will do anything to catch a suspect. They will even create fake situations online to engage people who may not have committed a sex crime without the opportunity created by the cops. An online sex crime sting involves…

Can My Social Media Be Used As Evidence in Court in Pennsylvania?

Yes, in many cases, your social media posts can be used as evidence against you in a criminal case. However, there are ways to protect yourself. Limiting what you post could prevent the prosecutor from finding incriminating content. Always remember…

Illegal & Legal Weapons You Can Carry in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh weapon laws are broad. Knowing your local regulations is the best defense against the justice system. The type of weapon, its status, and your location all factor in when deciding whether you were lawfully or unlawfully possessing a weapon….